4th Haiti Funders Conference
Haiti NOW 2019
About Haiti
NOW 2019
4th Haiti Funders Conference
The difficulties of working in Haiti, past funding waste, and a general sentiment that Haiti cannot be helped have contributed to a decline in philanthropic resources going to Haiti. Funders and practitioners alike are concerned and uncertain about the best response to the recent escalation of violence and civil unrest in the country. Haiti Now! brought together an engaged community of people committed to supporting the social and economic development of Haiti to explore how strategic investments can play a pivotal role in supporting true systematic change.
Event Sponsors
The 4th Haiti Funders Conference: Haiti Now was generously sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Inter-American Foundation, FOKAL and the Boston Foundation.
Program 2019
Wednesday June 5, 2019 —
Evening Event
1:00 pm - ongoing Arrivals & Registration
5:00 pm ⎯ 7:00 pm The Welcoming Reception
7:00 pm ⎯ 9:00 pm A Taste of Haiti Dinner with Live Music
Pierre Noel, Executive Director, Haiti Development Institute
Kate Guedj, Sr. Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer, The Boston Foundation
Pierre Imbert, Co-founder and CEO, Ayiti Community Trust
Celebrity Champion:
Jimmy Jean-Louis, Actor
Emeline Michel and NSL Dance Ensemble
Thursday June 6, 2019
7:00 am ⎯ Ongoing Arrivals & Registration
7:00 am ⎯ 8:30 am Networking Breakfast
9:00 am ⎯ 10:00 am
Welcome: Kate Guedj, Sr. Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer, The Boston Foundation
Herby Duverné, CEO Windwalker Group, Chair of the Board, Haiti Development Institute
Talk 1: Reaffirming Haiti’s Promise
Speaker: U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Michele J. Sison
Talk 2: Philanthropy’s Challenge in Haiti - Systems Change
Moderator: Harry Dumay, President, Elms College, Haiti Development Institute Board member
Speakers: Paloma Adams-Allen, President and CEO, Inter-American Foundation and Michèle Pierre-Louis, President, FOKAL - Open Society Foundations Haiti
10:30 am ⎯ 12:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS
Spaces that afford participants the opportunity to engage in conversation about issues, concerns, and topics pertinent to them.
Salon A: Understanding the Nonprofit Sector in Haiti
Guiding Question: A central tenet of sustainability is that philanthropy must support local leaders and their efforts. In light of current events, how can this best be done? What is needed to foster vibrant community based organizations and Haitian nonprofits? Consider possibilities such as supporting communities of practice, improvement of the legal framework, and expanded availability of capacity building.
Leader: Pierre Imbert, Co-founder and CEO, Ayiti Community Trust
Salon B: Learning From Failure
Guiding Questions: What have been our own and the sector’s greatest failures? What have we learned?
Leader: Alix Cantave, Program Officer, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Salon C: Creating Collective Impact — Working Together to Achieve Positive Change
Guiding Questions: What does it take to create a collective impact initiative? What would open the door to more collective impact initiatives in Haiti? What ingredients are needed? How can we leverage community planning and design for greater impact? Learn about current efforts such as the Haiti Nursing Partnership and the Sustainable Village and Learning Community (SVLC), consider the salient issues in creating and implementing such initiatives, and envision new possibilities in Haiti.
Co-leaders: Harry Dumay, President, Elms College; Haiti Development Institute Board member; Bennett Rathbun, Co-founder and Executive Director, Hope on a String; Killion Mokwete, Project Manager, Build Health International
Experiential spaces where participants learn by doing.
Studio 1: Reframing Philanthropy in Haiti
Participate in articulating principles that we should follow in our work.
Leader: Dana Francois, Program Officer, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
12:00 pm ⎯ 1:30 pm Networking Lunch
1:30 pm ⎯ 2:00 pm Break
2:00 pm ⎯ 3:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS
Salon D: Empowering and Engaging Next Gen Leaders
Guiding Questions: Who are the next generation of civil society leaders and how can we support and integrate their change efforts? What type of civic engagement can help build a new generation of leaders?
Leader: Johnny Celestin, Executive Director, Centre Haitien pour le Leadership et L’Excellence
Salon E: Funding Advocacy and Social Movements: Case Studies from the Women’s Movement, Disability Rights Movement and the Right to Resources Movement
Guiding Questions: How can philanthropy be most effective in supporting advocacy, social change, and development in Haiti? How can philanthropists avoid doing harm in their funding?
Co-Leaders: Daniele Magloire, founding member, Kayfanm and feminist coalition CONAP; Michel Pean, PhD, President of SHAA (Haitian Society for the Visually Impaired); Amber Lynn Munger, Senior Program Officer, American Jewish World Service
Salon F: Issue-Based Philanthropy: Health Equity
Guiding Question: Health care organizations and key systems have tremendous potential to directly influence underlying societal inequities that contribute to health disparities and poor health. How can funders best support work to strengthen these key systems and create access to health care for all in Haiti, especially the most vulnerable?
Leader: Conor Shapiro, President and CEO, St. Boniface Haiti Foundation
Studio 2: Innovating Giving: Blockchain and Philanthropy
Explore examples of how blockchain is being leveraged in philanthropy and imagine more applications of this transformative new technology and its potential in Haiti.
Leader: Cleve Mesidor, Founder, LOGOS; Haiti Development Institute Board
3:30 ⎯ 4:00 pm Break/Snack. Pre-Conference Area
4:00 ⎯ 5:30 pm. Ballroom
Talk 3: Unpacking Haiti Now – Insights on Recent Events, the Current Context and How Funders Should Respond
Moderator: Regine Polynice, Regional Director, Latin America and the Caribbean, CBM International, Haiti Development Institute Board
Panelists: Patricia Camilien, Professor, Universite Quisqueya and President, Ayiti Nou Vle A (ANVA); Etzer S. Emile, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Universite Quisqueya
Talk 4: Role of Community Foundations in Influencing Global Giving
Moderator: Maggi Alexander, Partner and Director, Center for Global Philanthropy, The Philanthropic Initiative
Speakers: Kate Guedj, Sr. Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer, The Boston Foundation and Javier Soto, President and CEO, The Miami Foundation
5:30 pm ⎯ 7:00 pm Networking Reception. Level 25 Bar and Terrace
Friday June 7, 2019
7:00 am ⎯ 8:30 am Networking Breakfast
8:45 am ⎯ 10:00 am Plenary Session
Welcome: Karen Ansara, Ansara Family Fund, Haiti Development Institute Board member
Reflection: Rosemary Ortlieb-Padgett, Director, Learning Through Development, State University of New York
Talk 1: Spurring Innovations for Development in Haiti
How do we move from business as usual, spurring a wave of innovative endeavors to engage Haitians differently? What role can philanthropy play in moving this work forward?
Moderator: Delle Joseph, Managing Director, TD Bank
Speakers: Michelle Jean, Co-Founder and CEO, Zesa Raw, and JP Michel, Chairman and CEO, Santé Nou Health, Inc.
Talk 2: Aligning Funding with Values and Principles
Speaker: Joe Scantlebury, Vice President for Program Strategy, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
10:30 am ⎯ 12:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS
Salon G: Agriculture and Food Security
Guiding Questions: What are existing gaps in agriculture and possible strategies to avoid impending disasters? How are stakeholders engaged on the ground? How might philanthropy serve to improve production and food security?
Co-leaders: Cantave Jean-Baptiste, Executive Director, FOHMAPS/PDL/Groundswell, and Reginald Cean, Program Director, Haiti Development Institute
Salon H: Promoting Quality and Equity in Education in Haiti
Guiding Questions: What is the current state of education? What are key challenges and existing gaps? Who are key stakeholders and what level of engagement is necessary? How can philanthropy do better from a systems thinking perspective?
Leader: Nedgine Paul Deroly, Co-Founder and CEO Anseye Pou Ayiti
Salon I: Promoting Small to Medium Enterprises
Guiding Question: How can funders better support the growth of social enterprises? Consider effective strategies to enhance local production, improve environmental protection. Explore how to help build supply chains and connections to local markets.
Leader: Patrick Dessources, Executive Director, CASELI
Salon J: Promoting Energy Access Leader: Allison Archambault, President, Earthspark International
Immersive experience that allows participants to learn about and gain perspective on issues in a dynamic, hands on, and empathic way. Simulation will provoke reflection on grant making practice and effectiveness and allow leaders to imagine what is possible in Haiti when new ideas are put in practice.
Simulation: The Haitian Nonprofit Experience
What is it like to form and run a nonprofit organization in Haiti? What are the challenges, and what can philanthropy do to support the development of the sector? Role play interactions of community leaders with funders, government officials, etc.
Leader: Karen Proctor, Principal, Harbour Workshop, and Elie Lafortune, Associate Executive Director, Haiti Development Institute
12:00 pm ⎯ 12:45 pm Lunch
12:45 pm -1:30 pm Plenary Session
Haiti Now: Reframing the Narrative about Haiti and Our Work
Reflections on our conversations the last two days and perspectives on development in Haiti. Reframing how we think, act and communicate about the role of philanthropy and Haiti.
Moderator: Harry Dumay, President, Elms College; Haiti Development Institute Board
Speakers: Jimmy Jean-Louis, Actor, Dana Francois, Program Officer, W.K. Kellogg Foundation; Ramel Altidort, Executive Director, GASA
1:30 pm -2:00 pm Forward Together
We review the convening's big ideas, key insights, and clear calls-to-action to advance our important work.
Speakers 2019
Paloma Adams-Allen
President and CEO, Inter-American Foundation
Maggi Alexander
Partner and Director, Center for Global Philanthropy
Karen Ansara
Founder and Board Member, Haiti Development Institute
Patricia Camilien
President, ANVA
Reginald Cean
Program Director, Haiti Development Institute
Johnny Celestin
Executive Director, Centre Haitien du Leadership et de l’Excellence (CLE)
Nedgine Paul Deroly
Co-Founder and CEO, Anseye Pou Ayiti
Patrick Dessources
Executive Director, Centre d’Appui et de Services aux Entreprises Locales et Internationales (CASELI)
Harry E. Dumay
President, College of Our Lady of the Elms
Herby Duverné
CEO, Windwalker Group, Chair, Board of Directors, Haiti Development Institute
Etzer S. Emile
Dana François
Program Officer to Haiti, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Kate Guedj
Vice President, The Boston Foundation
Pierre Imbert
Founding Chief Executive Officer, Ayiti Community Trust
Michelle Jean
Co-Founder, Zesa Raw
Cantave Jean-Baptiste
Executive Director, FOHMAPS/PDL/Groundswell
Jimmy Jean-Louis
Delle Joseph
Managing Director, TD Bank, N.A.
Elie LaFortune
Associate Executive Director, Haiti Development Institute
Danièle Magloire
Founding member, Kay Fanm
Cleve Mesidor
Founder, LOGOS
JP Michel
Chairman and CEO, Santé Nou Health, Inc.
H. Killion Mokwete
Project Manager, Build Health International
Pierre Noel
Executive Director, Haiti Development Institute
Dr. Michel Archange Péan
Régine Desulmé Polynice
Regional Director, Latin American and Caribbean, CBM International,
Board of Directors, Haiti Development Institute
Bennett Rathbun
Co-Founder & Executive Director, Hope On A String
Joe Scantlebury
Vice President for Program Strategy, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Conor Shapiro
President & CEO, St. Boniface Haiti Foundations
Ambassador Michele J. Sison
United States Ambassador to Haiti
Javier Alberto Soto
President and CEO, The Miami Foundation