5th Haiti Funders
Conference Program

  • 4:00 pm—Ongoing Arrivals & Registration

    6:00 pm - 9:00 pm—Kickoff Reception and Dinner

    7:00 pm—Dinner

    8:00 pm—Welcome and Special Guest Remarks/Keynote

    8:30 pm—Performance/Entertainment

  • 7:00 am—Ongoing Arrivals & Registration

    7:00 am - 8:30 am—Networking Breakfast


    9:00 am-10:00 am Welcome

    KeynoteHonorable Michele Pierre-Louis
    The Country Situation – How Can Philanthropy Contribute to the Way Forward?

    Presentation—Overview of Funding for Development and Humanitarian Assistance in Haiti - Who Is Funding What/Where?

    Panel —What Are the Trends, Are We Investing in the Right Things?

    -B R E A K -

    CONCURRENT SESSIONS Thematic Salons/Workshops

    10:30 am-12:00 pm

    AM1 Session 1THINKING DIFFERENTLY Exploring Viable Opportunities Where Investment Can Be Transformative Right Now

    AM1 Session 2Youth and Civic Engagement - How can we support viable youth opportunities and create a vision of the future for the next generation?

    AM1 Session 3Localization, Capacity Building, Systems Change: What Do These Look Like and How Do I Incorporate Them in My Work?

    AM1 Session 4Technology and Innovation – How to leverage technology to reach development goals

    12:00 pm -1:30 pm— Networking Lunch


    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

    PM1 Session 1 —Education

    PM1 Session 2 —Health Care

    PM1 Session 3—Agriculture

    PM1 Session 4— Water and Sanitation

    PM1 Session 5—Arts, Culture and Heritage

    -B R E A K -


    4:00 pm-5:30 pm

    Talk/Panel—Beyond Grants: Exploring Tools for Diversified Philanthropy And How They Can Work in Haiti - Impact-First Investing, DIB, PRI, Recoverable Grants

    Talk/Panel—Unpacking Haiti Now: Insights on Current Events and the Context. Working in difficult conditions and how funders can respond and support partners

    6:00 pm - 8:30 pm—Networking Reception

  • Description text goes here